
Success at Australian Open Championships

Published Tue 07 Jun 2016

The Australian Open Championships held at the end of May saw some impressive performances.

With less than 1 point separating 1st & 3rd place, Ruby Neave dived consistently in the Women's 1m to take home the silver medal.   She has a mixed result in the 3m competition finishing 9th in the preliminary and final and 7th in the semi-final.

Other MEDA members also performed well.  VIS Squad member Josh Kehagias finished 5th in the Men's 3m final after qualifiyng 4th the preliminary and semi-final.  AnnaRose Keating, who is also with the VIS, worked consistently in the Women's Platform.     Scotia Mullin earned a bronze medal in the Men's 1m and finished 4th in the Men's Platform.

Thanks to Barbi Donnet Carver & Diving Australia for these images of Ruby & Josh in action.