
Step 1/7: Let's get started
Step 1/7: Let's get started



Membership fees for 2024/25:

Memberships can now be renewed and are due on 1 July.

Existing members:  Please ensure you select the Returning Member option.

All divers who train with MEDA are required to be a member of MEDA.
The MEDA club fee is aligned to the financial year, and is $60 per diver.

MEDA Diving Inc. membership fees are linked with Diving Victoria and Diving Australia membership registrations.  A single registration and payment aligns all membership information and ensures all insurances are up to date.
As a single payment covers payments to the Club, DV & DA, we ask that all membership payments be made via the online portal.   The Club will absorb the credit card charges for the Club fee.

Diving Victoria has two membership categories for divers:

  • Recreation Diver (able to compete at Club Challenge Series competitions)
  • Competitive Diver (able to compete at all qualifying events & State & National events)

Upgrades to membership categories can be made as needed.
Full details of the DV membership structure can be found on the DV website: 

Existing members:  Please ensure you select the Returning Member option.

Should you have any membership queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.  Tel: 0409 219 985
All membership queries (including DV membership) for MEDA members should be directed to the Club.